
Wednesday 1 April 2015

Send money via Facebook messenger, say what?

It recently came to our attention that people will soon be able to sent money via Facebook messenger. This sounds all good and well for real friends and family (we are not talking about virtual friends) to send money to someone who urgently needs it, but we see some problems with this and have a question or two. Facebook seems to do everything to stay current and in the loop, from buying Whatsapp to now hiring David Marcus the president of Paypal to head the messenger undertaking. Now the question is will Facebook get their security up to standard. We all heard of or felt the sting of the lack of decent security on Facebook. Accounts being hacked, viruses running amok etc.

Is it then a good idea to look into something where people needs to give up credit card information? “Oh yes you are going to have to give up credit card information to make this work. How did you think this is going to work anyway?” Does it not make sense for Facebook to first hire someone like Robert Herjavec to get security up to par, not that we think Mr. Herjavec would be interested unless its done through his company Herjavec Group butt still a good idea we think. You see what we re doing here is pleading with Facebook to bulk up security before they put peoples money in jeopardy. Now, we have spoken with some people and it seems that in the underbelly of the beast called Facebook there is people connecting for some .... Well lets just say some less than moral things. Its not Facebook’s fault, Facebook cannot scour the ends of their massive empire all the time, that’s why they ask people to report stuff like it. Once again another good reason for a better security system, but that’s beside the point here because... Now as we have said we have spoken to some people and their seems to be hidden a world of sex drugs and looseness maybe even some adultery.

What we heard from some reputable and not so reputable models etc that they sometimes are asked for more photo’s and more disturbing maybe, more revealing photos. Now here is the question...we think? Does this new messenger money send open a whole new world for solicitation? Imagine if you will a conversation in the form of the following: 1- “I need to see more.” 2- “More of what?” 1- “You know what, more of your body sexy. Post some more revealing pics.” 2- “How about this, you send me $ 10.00 for a photo and give me your email and I will sent you some very revealing pics. Maybe we can even have a Skype chat were you can see much more live, for a few dolla’s of course.” You see this can even go so far as to meetings like this where sex is for sale for upfront cash and this in turn may even lead to people getting ripped off, and once again who is going to get the blame? Like always it would be you Facebook, the social media that people just cant stay away from but want to because of security risks. Security risks to not only privacy but also identity, money and their relationships.

Maybe the money send should be left to platforms that has a proven security track record like Paypal etc. or the safest way, funding sites like Indiegogo where they take the money first from contributors and then pay you. Yes it may take longer and obviously there is risks, but compared to the risks above.... You decide for yourself.

Please remember to comment and like and follow on the various socials below and check out our Campaign page to contribute and make the world a better place. Youtube still in the works We invite you to sent us guest posts that we can maybe feature just remember to claim your fame by sending your name with. We will also look into ideas for posts that we receive so please feel welcome to send those in as well. We will also like to see CrowdFunding Campaigns suggestions to be mentioned.


Wednesday 18 March 2015

Pay it forward.

Pay it Forward. First of all. We know we can’t see a show of hands of the people who have watched that life changing movie. But for those of you that did watch it. You will know what it means to Pay if forward. Until recently we did not even know that Crowdfunding existed, or that there was actual sites where people could go, state their cause and ask for money. And note we are saying ask. Some may think that those people are begging. But that is not what it is. They are reaching out to you the reader to assist them with their goals and dreams. We have read some of those campaigns and we was genuinely blown away. There are some people who really need help. And if they are as proud as only people could be they are not believers in charity. One campaign we read was about a family that was struggling. Hardworking and honest as far as I could tell. They were working for their money but they have a dream that with people’s help they will be able to open their own business and so guarantee not only for them, or their son, but also for others a future. Call it job creation if you will. Unfortunately we personally can’t donate all the money they need, but did click that button and donated the money we could spare out of our savings account. So now I am paying it forward. There were times that we did not know where our next meal will come from or how we will be able to pay all our commitments at the end of the month. But you know what. There were people who out of the blue just gave us money. A few bucks here and there, and so we were able to buy food and pay the bills. Yeah, you will find your chanser’s anywhere. If it is the beggar at the local Supermarket that sells you a sad story about food and what not and then either throws away the food you bought him or fights with you because it was money that was the object of their desire. Or when you do give money, they turn around and walk straight to the Bottle store. But know what, you paid it forward. We are firm believers that every person is responsible for their own action and decisions. Your action was to give money to someone whom you believed to be in trouble. You paid it forward. You will neither get the reward or the consequences of that persons actions and deeds, only yours. You paid it forward, and it always pays double back to you. So what are we actually saying here. We cant make you donate money to charities or churches. We cant make you go on sites like IndieGogo and donate money. We simply can’t make you do anything. The only thing we can do is guide you and and tell you about campaigns that needs help. Sure everybody has a sad story and we all work hard for our money. But ask yourself this. What if it was you? What if you needed someone just to say yeah why not, here is ten bucks. Won’t that make a difference in your life? What if it was your family that was struggling to find a reason to work even harder and succeed. What if you knew someone and you could reach out and help them? Would that be a reason to pay it forward? I believe that you are a reasonable person who will look at the campaigns with different eyes and make that click. Until next time.... Remember to pay it forward.

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YouTube Coming soon.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Is CrowdFunding Begging?

I recently read this post on a certain blog outright calling CrowdFunding begging. Sure this blogger was very careful not to offend to much by stating that there might be causes that justify donations to them, but the main gist of  the whole posts is that CrowdFunding is begging.

We will be the first to admit, that there might be CrowdFunding campaigns that may be begging, but is the rest? CrowdFunding makes it easier to ask for money that's true for beggars if they can afford all the various hardware necessary to do just that, but it also makes it easier for animal protection institutes to get donations. It makes it easier for people who just needs that one cash-boost to get a new life. CrowdFunding makes it easier for that business that is failing because of matters out of control to stay open, and even give prospecting business owners and entrepreneurs a chance to get on their way. Yes most of the time something is offered in return for contributions, but mot of the time this is an impossibility for some campaign owners. Attacking CrowdFunding as a whole is an unnecessary exercise and at the risk of starting a Net-war we think that its an attempt to get more readers with a catchy post like that. Sure, sure people like Ranting and raving that is how blogs became such a success because of all the Ranters out there. They seem to voice the frustrations of the voiceless or those who feel unheard and voiceless. They make us feel better, we know we are not alone, but more on this later. The question here is: Is CrowdFunding begging. Weeelll, in some cases it may well be, in all cases? We don't think so. But you decide for yourself, because here you are not voiceless. Would you call a church bake sale begging? At the end of the day like any other fundraiser of any nature, from street beggar to school fundraisers to CrowdFunding for a start-up business, its still your choice to give or not. Yes, yes you would become annoyed if you walk in the street and every person is asking for money, be it spare change or a donations, but on the street you don't have a choice to interact with these people even if its just walking faster to get away. On the net with CrowdFunding you have a choice to interact or not. You have a choice to put yourself out there.

There is just one question then: Why go on to a CrowdFunding site if you are not there to register a campaign or contribute? Maybe next time we will discuss this and ask the questions.

Remember your voice and Comment.
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Thursday 12 March 2015

Crowdfunding: Why you should or should not give...

What is the story with crowd funding or any kind of "free" funding.
"Free" Funding, the funding we give to people today. People who needs it, seems like they need it or really don't. We will explain: The people who needs it may be a homeless and workless person or people without a choice and forced into it by circumstances. Here is two example cases out of many whom in our opinion needs it, a break that is. Who needs funding.
Campaign 1

Campaign 2

Both of these good examples of people suffering more than most under the yoke of the recent recession and just the economy is still struggling. It may be to late for these two campaigns unless you and I do something about it urgently. The first campaign does not even have a drop in the bucket after +- 40 days on Indiegogo, and who's fault is it really ? No ones? Maybe, maybe not, but getting funded is an unfair but real matter of who knows who or how many people you know privately or online. We don't blame we ask Spread the wealth. for instance this first campaign by no fault of their own and with limited resources don't even have social media. Hopefully this campaign will be resubmitted if time runs out before they reach their goal, and we will keep an eye out for it and keep you up to date.
There is something we can point out about this specific campaign and many more similar ones: These people is asking for Help/Funds to start their own business to get more work. get more work to get earn money. To earn more money  to make a better living and get out of a crap hole existence. We know there is a lot of you who knows how that is and don't want to go back to that ever.
The second campaign seems to be well on their way but maybe they could just get that little bit more.
The second campaign is a little bit more subtle but to the same end, for a better life.
Both of these campaigns involve the future leaders or worker bees. Not every one can and will be a leader but with that said, what would leaders be without the workers? There is many facets to giving/donating in both cases. You are not only giving to one or two people, but to a next generation. See it as contributing to the future of the world we all are going to leave behind someday. Job security is low and unemployment at an all time high and its just getting worse. See it as a contribution to those future leaders, workers bees, business owners and entrepreneurs.See it as contributing to the future of job creation if you will. In the case of Campaign1. Reaching their goal will not only create a substantially better life and future for these people and their little boy and a 60Year old lady still doing hard labour, but it will be for them to create and provide jobs in a few years as they themselves stated and attested to.
Give or don't give its your choice, but please think about it. It's your choice to give and it's your choice to judge. everyone has their own feelings and opinions, ours is just one of many. If you have a pessimistic and/or negative view on Crowdfunding and donating, we respect that. There must surely be  reason for it? We will go into some of those reasons in future posts.
Those of you who want to give but can not, see if you can help in another way. Calling subscriber, friends and followers on various social medias into action to donate and do the same by telling others will help a lot. Those of you who wants to give and can, please do. Give and give and give to your hearts content.

Please remember to come back for: Why you should or should not give.
Remember we are still new at this, so we cant make any promises, but we will try and posts as much as possible. We are also looking into a subscribing tool so you can receive emails for each update.

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Youtube and instagram etc. coming soon, and remember you're only a real liker and follower if you click that button and commit. Just like clicking that buton and contributing to a Crowdfunding campaign.
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